Tips to Help You Wake Up Early

In this video from personal trainer Alistair, he discusses some great tips for making waking up in the morning easier.

The majority of people aren’t early risers and often struggle getting up on time to start the day. Whether it’s for work, school or to get the kids ready for the day, the struggle is real. We do tend to find it easier if we are going on a vacation somewhere, as that is exciting and we know it’s for relaxation to unplug.

Therefore, it is important and essential to follow sone helpful tips that will make the arduous task of waking up early in the morning a little bit easier.

Follow these tips and you will be on your way to a successful morning routine and maybe not risk losing your job for being late.

???? Put your alarm out of reach so it forces you to get up out of bed to switch off.

???? Make small changes to your routine over time.

???? Open your blinds and let the light in, get a mood lamp so it gets your brain and senses going right away.

???? Start your daily with sone exercise or a mobility routine to get blood pumping and your nervous system firing on all cylinders.

???? Exercise consistently to make sure you are getting deep and restful sleep, so you are ready to jump out of bed in the morning.

???? Limit screen time before bed (one hour before bed read a book instead).

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